5 Easy Ways to add time to your day as a Working Mom!
Looking for ways to add more time to your day? As a full-time working mom to a preschooler and a toddler, time if often my worst enemy. Time management is an ESSENTIAL part to getting everything done. As a mom and wife, I wear many hats as I'm sure many of you do. Sometimes I feel as though I'm drowning but the tips listed below help me stay afloat. Structure gives me balance. I know that is not true for everyone, but if your a Type-A list person, who likes things in order, then structure gives you balance too!
Utilize your lunch break
That hour can be used to do all sorts of things. For me, I mostly use it to manage my Youtube page and this blog. I will also do some online shopping, monthly meal planning,budgeting, etc! Over the course of a week, that's an extra 5 hours in your week!
So your husband doesn't fold towels as well as you do? So what! Delegate it anyway! Don't let perfection stand in the way of something that is good enough! I can't stress this enough. I know I know....its easier said than done. Just let go of some control, which will take some of the burden off of you. Make your kids jump in and help as well.
Plan, plan, plan
I LOVE my Inkwell press planner! Like I will hurt someone if something happens to it kind of love. I use it to help schedule/manage my entire household. From my husbands schedule to the kids to managing the home, everything gets written down. This helps provide that structure that I love and feed from. In a strange way, it makes me feel empowered. Of course a simple notebook or notepad would suffice. Just try to use something to plan ahead.
Embrace Technology
Utilize online bill pay. Clip coupons electronically. I know I definitely don't have the time to create a coupon binder (Does anyone still do that?). Use the some of the 8 billion different apps at our very finger tips. Technology is our friend.
Grant yourself grace
This one is the most important to me. Although Pinterest (FOLLOW ME), Youtube, and other social media platforms attempt to make you think otherwise, NO ONE IS PERFECT! Not all spaces stay beautifully cleaned and organized and THATS OK! Grant yourself grace and pat yourself on the back because you are doing the best you can do with the time you're given.