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3 Ways You are secretly WASTING Money!
So you are probably thinking, Me? Waste Money? Never!!! But you might be wasting money and not even realize it. If you really want to make sure you are utilizing every penny that goes into your bank account, make sure you are NOT doing any of these things. These hidden ways of wasting money most people don't even notice. So lets get to it!
How to Beat and Prevent Budget Burnout!
Lets be honest. Not everyone enjoys spreadsheets, budgets, and numbers as much as I do, which is understandable. Budget burnout issomething that most of us face when you trying to reach our financial goals.
My husband and I experienced this a couple of years ago. We were in the middle of getting out of debt and felt like random expenses were just falling from the sky. We had to have our house painted, pay for a busted pipe at our rental home, pay hefty car expenses all within a matter of months. This is when we first experienced BUDGET BURNOUT! It didn't last long and we eventually still met our financial goals. I have a few tips that helped us during that time and ways to prevent it from happening.
How to cut your Cable & Internet Bills in Half!
Most people think that their cable and internet bill prices are set and their is no need to negotiate! This is so far from the truth! I'm going to share with you how I was able to cut our bills in half! LITERALLY!